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Why Is Wayne Gray the Right Choice for Ward 1  2025


Wayne Holds a General Contractors License  

Highly Experienced in Construction; Municipal and Public Works Construction and Underground Utilities Construction

Wayne has the ability to work well with others for a solution should a problem arise.  Wayne has over 20 years of experience in leading and when looking at a problem he knows, to think with the end in mind to help Ward 1.

Wayne has worked with others to donate money for the homeless and will continue to do so while working with others to find a solution for the Homeless while protecting the Citizens of Biloxi.

Making Biloxi top priority 

Equal Pay for City Employee's 

Supporting the Police and Fire Department's, City Employee's

Meeting the City of Biloxi Needs 

Prioritizing Safe Places for Kids to Play

Free Community Vegetable Gardens 

Safe Roads and Sidewalks 

Keep Neighborhoods Clean

Bring Back Integrity and Value to Biloxi




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